Industrial warehouse Tag

This is a project for Kautex Textron Ibérica. It is an extension of its production plant with a new building and the remodeling of the existing one, located in Palau-Solità i Plegamans. It has been solved with a metal structure and paneled enclosures, thus achieving a light and functional construction. From Obres Tècniques Lloret we have collaborated with MPa Enginyers, to achieve an industrial warehouse...

When starting an industrial construction project it is important to choose the most suitable structure, depending on the development and production or logistics activity that will take place in the industrial warehouse. During the evaluation stage is when the type of industrial building to be developed must be analyzed, this time we will talk about concrete buildings. This type of structures have...

This is a project for Persentili International, a company of the fabrics sector. We have carried out the reform and enlargement of its industrial building located in Cardedeu, to adapt it to new needs. The engineering that has developed the project is Bellavista Illa Arquitectura i Urbanisme. From Obres Tècniques Lloret we have collaborated in order to achieve optimized facilities to work in...

This is an Obres Tècniques Lloret project for Sebir S.A., a steel wire factory for cold stamping. On this occasion, the industrial construction of a new roof and structure has been carried out for its industrial warehouses in the production area. The existing roof has been replaced and the existing isolation has been improved. We have led the whole process of calculation...