Industrial construction Tag

At Obres Tècniques Lloret we took care of the construction of the new entrance and car park for the Merck factory, located in Mollet del Vallès. For this pharmaceutical production plant, we adapted the new accesses with a more modern design, which allows maximum accessibility and comfort, ensuring the free passage of any obstacle. [gallery ids="11618,11621,11624,11627,11630"]...

Industries have additional risks inherent in their activity, such as fires, which is why prevention is so important as a protective measure. We have to bare in mind that each industry has specific needs that must be taken into account when designing and executing its fire protection installation. One of the services we offer from Obres Tècniques Lloret, in order to prevent or...

This is an Obres Tècniques Lloret project for Sebir S.A., a steel wire factory for cold stamping. On this occasion, the industrial construction of a new roof and structure has been carried out for its industrial warehouses in the production area. The existing roof has been replaced and the existing isolation has been improved. We have led the whole process of calculation...

At Obres Tècniques Lloret we carry out larg-scale projects. One of these projects is the construction of the robotic logistics warehouse of Henkel Ibèrica & Solvia, located in Montornès del Vallès. Tec Engineering has collaborated with us in this Project. In these facilities a new packaging line has been built, faster and more sustainable, as well as a new automatic warehouse of last...

At Obres Tècniques Lloret we have been in charge of the construction of the new Aquaram headquarters, in Granollers. In this project we have built a logistics warehouse, the factory, the offices and the I&D laboratory. The architect Salvador Panosa and Enginyeria Pujadas have also collaborated with us. Aquaram is a company dedicated to the manufacture of PVC-U pressure valves and fittings for...

At Obres Tècniques Lloret we have collaborated with Team Lab Project for the construction and development of this project. It is about the transformation of the new Urquima Laboratories, of the Uriach Group, located in Sant Fost de Campsentelles. Laboratories dedicated to the manufacture of active ingredients and pharmaceutical products. The geometry of the plant has not prevented to reach the highest...

In this Project we have carried out the transformation of an industrial building into a highly qualified bakery, built and equipped with the best materials, to make high quality products. The property we are talking about is “El Forn de la Tieta”, located in Rubí, and better known as the Bonaparte bakery. The engineering we have worked with is Indus Ingeniería. At Obres...