Industrial construction Tag

Dual Professional Training (Dual FP) is a modality of  Professional training that combines the processes of teaching and learning in the educational center and in the company. The Dual FP allows students to put into practice all they have learned in the educational center. At Obres Tècniques Lloret we support new models of FP organization that aim to seek excellence in the...

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) are proposals set by the United Nations to eradicate poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all,  and are part of a new sustainable development agenda. Each of the 17 goals has specific targets that are set to be met globally by 2030. At Obres Tècniques Lloret we carry out several actions to contribute to the...

At Obres Tècniques Lloret we are building the new logistics platform for Norma Cómics, located in Sant Feliu de Buixalleu. We are currently working on the foundations and drainage for the new platform, which will be 13,000m2. [gallery ids="12446"]...

At Obres Tècniques Lloret we have more than 35 years of experience in all types of industrial construction projects, a sector in which we are experts. We work on projects that require a high demand, such as, for example, the chemical - pharmaceutical sector. This is a sector focused on innovation and new technologies, which is why industries need facilities adapted...

We have completed a project for Decal, located in the terminal of the Port of Barcelona. It involves the construction of 1 new bucket basin for 4 new deposits of 20,000 m3, in which hydrocarbons are stored. In this project we have built the basin and tank bases of measures similar to the existing ones, even larger. At Obres Tècniques Lloret we keep...

At Obres Tècniques Lloret we have more than 35 years of experience in all types of industrial construction projects, a sector in which we are experts. The high demands in sectors such as chemical-pharmaceutical, food, petrochemical or automotive sectors find in us a reliable and successful service for all their facilities, with great specialization in process plants, clean rooms, warehouses, R&D...

Our highest guarantee is having won our clients' trust throughout our history and having turned it into satisfaction and success stories. Our broad client portfolio is proof of our professional expertise. Thank you all for the trust you place in Obres Tècniques Lloret. For more information: [gallery ids="12194"]...

In  this Obres Tècniques Lloret project, we carried out the earthworks for the Damm ZAL Logistics Center, in El Prat de Llobregat. A key stage to carry out in a construction project is earthmoving. It is necessary to prepare the terrain in which a work will be carried out, and it is important to do it in the appropriate way, in order...

At Obres Tècniques Lloret we work to have a good control and selection of the materials we use in each one of our projects. Our Technical and Purchasing Department closely monitors and analyzes new emerging materials, in order to incorporate those that offer the most effective and decisive solutions, according to the needs of each work. To choose good materials it is...

At Obres Tècniques Lloret, we have finished the adaptation works of Lainco’s new pharmaceutical and phytosanitary warehouse, with the collaboration of Indus Ingeniería y Arquitectura. The result is facilities prepared to store and distribute the products of Lainco laboratories, always guaranteeing the highest quality. [gallery ids="12042,12045,12057,12048,12051,12054"]...