Prevention Measures COVID-19 Office
At Obres Tècniques Lloret we take very seriously safety at work and in any action we are involved in. That is why we...
At Obres Tècniques Lloret we take very seriously safety at work and in any action we are involved in. That is why we...
At Obres Tècniques Lloret we take very seriously safety at work and in any action we are involved in. That is why we...
Program for remodelation of the "Store" offices for La Caixa by Lloret obres tècniques....
At Obres Tècniques Lloret we have implemented an integrated management system based on the model UNE-EN ISO 9001, UNE-EN ISO 14001 and...
This project for the Antiga Fàbrica Damm was developed in several phases, including the restoration of the façade and placing the access...
Project of urbanization, landscaping & services for the chemical company Synthon Hispania in Sant Boi de Llobregat, Barcelona....
Construction of a premium house in La Garriga, Barcelona. A contemporary architecture project which is a good example of the level of...
Aquest any a Lloret obres tècniques hem preparat un petit video per desitjar-vos unes bones festes i un feliç 2020. Miquel Àngel Lloret i...
Lloret obres tècniques welcomes you to our blog, where we will periodically be informing you of our most interesting projects...