
Lloret Obres Tècniques has received a special mention in the MC MUTUAL Antonio Baró Award for Occupational Risk Prevention for the year 2023. The award ceremony took place at our offices in La Garriga, presented by Pere Ortega (Director of MC Mutual Vallès Oriental, Maresme, and Osona) and Vanessa Serrano (Mutualist Management Officer at MC Mutual Granollers). The award was received by...

Our Integrated Management System (IMS) is the cornerstone that ensures the highest quality, environmental protection, and the safety of our workers. Certified under ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and ISO 45001 standards, we are committed to: Preventing occupational risks to achieve a zero-accident goal. Minimizing environmental impact by promoting sustainable construction techniques. Ensuring top-quality standards in every project, with a constant...

Let us explain: ✅ Extensive and proven experience in technical projects, with a substantial portfolio of clients and success stories. ✅ Professional technical advice from a close-knit and highly qualified team. ✅ Tailored solutions for each project and sector. ✅ Fast and efficient document management, as well as external teams integrations. ✅ Careful project planning to minimize time and cost overruns. ✅ A strict commitment to...

Obres Tècniques Lloret has once again celebrated the construction patronal day, Sant Antoni de Pàdua, with a team-building day including bowling and karting activities. Finally, we concluded with a meal, bringing together the entire office and construction team. See more news [video width="720" height="1280" mp4=""][/video] ...

Dual Professional Training (Dual FP) is a modality of  Professional training that combines the processes of teaching and learning in the educational center and in the company. The Dual FP allows students to put into practice all they have learned in the educational center. At Obres Tècniques Lloret we support new models of FP organization that aim to seek excellence in the...

Obres Tècniques Lloret gives support to the International Women’s Day. We are committed to the equality of rights of women and men in the workplace, and we have demonstrated it with our staff, on jobs that have traditionally been occupied by men, now they are also occupied by women. We also declare our rejection against any kind of discrimination, betting on and...

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are goals set by the United Nations to eradicate poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all of them, and are part of a new agenda for sustainable development. Each one of the 17 goals has specific aims that are set to be met globally by 2030. At Obres Tècniques Lloret we carry out several actions...

The whole Obres Tècniques Lloret team wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. [gallery ids="12392"]...

Our highest guarantee is having won our clients' trust throughout our history and having turned it into satisfaction and success stories. Our broad client portfolio is proof of our professional expertise. Thank you all for the trust you place in Obres Tècniques Lloret. For more information: [gallery ids="12194"]...

At Obres Tècniques Lloret we are committed to health and our environment, which is why we support various initiatives. One of the sponsorships we carry out is with Futbol Sala La Garriga, one of the historic clubs of Catalan futbol sala. In this way, we want to promote sport from a young age, as a measure to maintain a healthy lifestyle, while...