
In this project we have worked with the developer Obra Nova Catalana SL, and with the architect Marc Seguí Pié. It is about the adaptation of the premises for the judicial bodies of Mollet del Vallès, located in the building of Can Fàbregas. The building has two floors and more that 2.800m2 of built area. These new facilities guarantee the accessibility to...

At Obres Tècniques Lloret we have collaborated with Team Lab Project for the construction and development of this project. It is about the transformation of the new Urquima Laboratories, of the Uriach Group, located in Sant Fost de Campsentelles. Laboratories dedicated to the manufacture of active ingredients and pharmaceutical products. The geometry of the plant has not prevented to reach the highest...

Among the several projects carried out, in this occasion we have participated with Indus Ingeniería y Arquitectura to condition the production area of the Damm plant, located in El Prat del Llobregat. 7 new fermentation and beer storage tanks have been installed in the factory and it has been expanded with a new glass bottle packaging line. Transforming this factory into...

Obres Tècniques Lloret has led this Project, under the turnkey model. It is about the construction of the CeraRoot Clinic Dental Clinic, located in Les Franqueses del Vallès. Engineers and architects have collaborated with us in this project, forming a highly qualified work team. The results can be seen in the photographs, an infrastructure ready to work with the most advanced technologies, providing...

In this Project we have carried out the transformation of an industrial building into a highly qualified bakery, built and equipped with the best materials, to make high quality products. The property we are talking about is “El Forn de la Tieta”, located in Rubí, and better known as the Bonaparte bakery. The engineering we have worked with is Indus Ingeniería. At Obres...

In this project, the new 18,000m2 logistics platform has been built for the Mediapost company, in Polinyà. With a warehouse used for the storage, handling and distribution of products, and a Picking area of 8,000m2. One of the most outstanding characteristics of these facilities is the width of the dispatch area, specially designed for the preparation of orders and packs, which is...

This Project for the Old Damm Factory has been carried out in several phases. In a previous post we presented the first phase with the restoration of the main facade, the outer square and the access control of the vehicle entrance. In this second phase the new offices have been restored, it has been carried out by Indus Enginyeria. It was...

At Obres Tècniques Lloret we have collaborated with Inibsa’s internal engineering department in the construction and development of a new project. It involves the construction of a laboratory and technical office, located in Lliçà de Vall. Inibsa is a commited and innovation-oriented Company, and it required an expansión of its facilities to be able to respond to its needs. The result is facilities...

At Obres Tècniques Lloret we are committed to health and our environment, which is why we support various initiatives. One of the sponsorships we carry out is with Doctors Without Borders, the donation provided allows to provide assistance to those most in need, populations in a precarious situation and victims of natural or human catastrophes and armed conflicts, which are excluded...

We are very excited to begin a new Project for Decal in Barcelona’s port. This is the construction of 4 new buckets for 20,000m3 deposits, in which hydrocarbons will be stored. In this project we are building deposits of similar sizes, even larger than the existing ones, before starting the work. At Obres Tècniques Lloret we keep on working and using all our...